Howard Lyman and Willow Jeane Lyman
A fourth-generation farmer from Montana, Howard Lyman transformed his family's modest cattle ranch into a sprawling agribusiness empire. When Willow Jeane married him, she was new to animal agriculture, and at first, she was struck by the cruelty of some of the procedures she was taught to perform on the animals. "The funny thing is," she recalls, "after you do it awhile, it's just accepted. It's your job and you adjust to it, and you get hard to it."
Meanwhile, Howard's single-minded ambition has blinded him to the dangers of his chemical-based approach to controlling the land and animals in his care. It is only after he is struck down by a life-threatening illness that he realizes he is well on the way to destroying everything he loves.
Howard's struggle for redemption ultimately returns him to his humble beginnings, where he must come to terms with how his actions have hurt others, and find a way to make amends.
Visit Howard Lyman's web site: Mad Cowboy